We have managed thousands of MYOB to Xero conversions. We are ready to take care of yours.
In only 3 business days you receive your new Xero subscription with all history and records intact. 

Cartoon Agent and Partner People

for Agents & Partners

MYOB to Xero conversions for accountants, bookkeepers and partners. Select the best conversion service for your client’s needs.

Cartoon - business owner handing over books to computer

for Businesses

MYOB to Xero conversions for businesses. We transfer your data, set up your Xero subscription and give you an induction session for a great start.

Cartoon - tradie looking puzzled

Questions ?

Is this your first conversion? Our FAQs are a great start. Or ask our knowledge-base for instant answers. Try us.

bank feed illustration

We convert Bank Statement Scans or PDFs to CSV

Do you have a gap in your bank transactions? We convert bank statement PDFs as well as scanned statements to CSV. The file is cleaned up to remove all unnecessary information. It will be converted to a Xero compatible CSV – ready for import.