Introducing the team at Jet Convert

I can’t believe that the new financial year is upon us already!

Things have changed a lot since I first joined Jet Convert – new products, new conversion services and a boom in Xero that is quite amazing. Sometimes it feels like Xero is taking over the world.

Our international team has also changed quite a bit too and I thought it would be nice to share who’s who at Jet Convert as you’ll be bound to meet them virtually via e-mail, telephone or Skype at some point in time – if you haven’t already.

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The team located on the Sunshine Coast from L to R:
Therese, Bonnie, Karin, Alexander, Rafael, Wendy, Kathy

Our accredited BAS agents and bookkeepers Bonnie, Karin and Therese. They do the handover of Xero orgs to businesses and provide many forms of training and support – from something as basic as the settings in Xero to BAS preparation and payroll. They are available to go over newly created Xero orgs with our Xero Partners, and also provide Xero bookkeeping services – so their days are very full.

The conversion specialists Alexander, Florelie, Flordeliza, Kathy, Rosendo, Shadreep and Tony. They manage the conversion process and do the checks and reviews to ensure everything comes across as it should. Kathy is our newly appointed conversion manager so she’ll be talking to many of you, especially when managing large groups of conversions.

Then our development team Joel, Manuel, Neil, Raphael and Ross. These are the guys who keep giving us new and exciting products to offer our clients. Even though things may seem simple from an outside perspective, they work hard to get the software to work smoothly and provide quality results.

And if you haven’t ‘met’ me, I handle incoming inquiries and if necessary pass on them on to my specialist colleagues.

So this is us, and if ever you are on a business trip (as you would be) in Noosa please drop in to say hello.

Back to work now…

P.S.  More on our team can be found on the website for those who want to read on.
