The Pain of Moving to Xero

  • 27 August 2013

Pain of Moving to XeroI have just watched another beautiful Xero sales video. Made me smile. But I also had to think of the potential Xero users that did not have a good experience when they tried it. In most cases Xero is not the problem. Here are some thoughts on where the issue lies and how it can be overcome.

Xero is Exciting

With the growth of Xero, more clients raving about it and the beautiful marketing materials, it is getting easier to excite potential clients about moving to Xero. The marketing team at Xero is great and I cannot add anything to that. Except for one thought:

Clients “Do Not Have A Problem”

Sure they all complain about their current accounting system. But with our human reluctance to change, most people do not want to do anything about it. They are time-poor as it is and cannot fathom that a change in systems can really make a big difference. I was at a conference last week where a franchisee told the whole franchise group that he had moved to Xero and cut his bookkeeping time by 50% and yet most of the others were reluctant to jump at it. Let’s assume though that you have convinced a client of all the benefits of moving to Xero and they go ahead.

The Dip

After a successful conversion, the client logs into Xero for the first time and is excited about the beautiful graphs and all the possibilities that open up. Then they reach the Dip. The Dip is where they start to see some limitations. Something that they have done in their old system cannot be done exactly in the same way. (This is heightened if the decision to move to Xero has not come from the person who is using it, e.g. business owner or admin.) Everything takes longer instead of being faster, because they have to find their way first. In addition, there is the post purchase doubt (Have I made the right decision?). All in all it is a negative place where a lot of people give up.

Getting Through the Dip

We all know that once clients have made it through the Dip they love Xero. So it is up to the Xero partners to help clients through the Dip. Here are four simple steps: 1. Manage their Expectations Make it part of the sales cycle to prepare them for the Dip. Don’t hide it, instead openly discuss the benefits and the downside, the positive outcomes and the investment. 2. Get their Commitment A client who knows of the investment in time, energy and money can make a real and informed commitment. Cement that to help them through the Dip 3. Hold your Client’s Hand Introducing clients to their own Xero organisation personally, reduces the depth of the Dip substantially. Just a simple walk-through is often enough, so they have a chance to ask questions and don’t feel alone. 4. Remind them of the Bigger Picture As the clients struggle with some aspect of the change to Xero, remind them of the bigger picture and why it is worth working through it.

Making the Pain Count

Moving to XeroOf course it does not stop there. In fact this is where the real value can be created when moving clients to Xero. Turning an unhappy client around often brings the strongest advocate for your services. To find out more you can attend the repeat of my Xerocon presentation discussing the conversion experience on 12 September 2013 1:00pm, duration 30 minutes. To register for this webinar contact Wendy on 1800 770 035 or send a request to register via our contact form.
